Work / Performance
Work / Performance

Leila Hekmat: Il Matrimonio di Immacolata, Disappearing Berlin / MOS.AI.CK Collective: Pattern Parade, Silent Geen /Deva Schubert: GLITCH CHOIR, Reinbeckhallen /Mario Vázquez:Reise nach Mictlán (Fiesta de Día de Muertos), Humboldt Forum / Kettly Noël: Am Anfang, Humboldt Forum / Atis Rezistans, Ghetto Gucci, Documenta fifteen / Dan Perjovschi: Documenta fifteen / Alexis Blake, Crack Nerve Boogie Swerve, KW-Berlin / Olaf Nicolai: Ménage de la maison, DAS MINSK / Anna Uddenberg: FAKE-ESTATE, Schinkel Pavillon / Moving the Forum: Inhabiting, Humboldt Forum / Dafna Maimon: Wary Mary, Tieranatomisches Theater / Rachel Rossin: THE MAW OF, Tieranatomisches Theater (KW-Berlin) / Pope.L: Between a Figure and a Letter. Schinkel Pavillon / Tian Gebing: Revolution. Stachel im Fleisch, Humboldt Forum / A Year with ... BLESS N°72 BLESSlet, KW-Berlin / Alex Baczynski-Jenkins at a supermarket at Jannowitzbrücke,Disappearing Berlin / Michele Rizzo: Reaching, KW-Berlin / Cluster 4 "Interacting", Moving the Forum / Ariel Efraim Ashbel and friends: The Names, HAU / from anther to stigma, Schinkel Pavillon / Michael Dudeck: AA Bronson-Garten der Lüste, KW / Ariel Efraim Ashbel: no apocalypse not now, HAU / Hania Rani and Deborah Czocher (Disappearing Berlin), Café Keese / Paul Maheke and Mélika Ngombe Kolongo (aka Nkisi): Sènsa, Volksbühne / Moving the Forum: Listening, Humboldt Forum / Jimmy Robert: After Ian White, KW-Berlin
Work / Exhibitions
documenta fifteen / Museum MMK Für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt / KW Institute for Contemporary Art / Tieranatomisches Theater / PalaisPopulaire/ KUNSTSAELE Berlin / Schinkel Pavillon / Brücke-Museum / Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg / Museum im Kulturspeicher Würzburg

Artists in order of appearance: Taring Padi, Documenta Fifteen (1) / Madeyoulook: Mafolofolo, Documenta Fifteen (2) / Atis Resistans/Ghetto Biennale, Documenta Fifteen (3-5) / ruangrupa (Fridericianum), Documenta Fifteen (6) / Eva Koťátková, Daydreaming Workstation,Documenta Fifteen (7) / Jatiwangi art Factory, Music Group: Lair, Documenta Fifteen (8) / Marcel Duchamp, MMK (9-13) / Rosemarie Trockel, MMK (14-18), Elizabeth Catlett, Tower MMK (19-20) / THE CRITICS COMPANY: one can only hope and wonder, Zollamt MMK (21) / Helena Uambembe: BLOOMING IN STASIS: 25.8230° S, 23.5312° E, Zollamt MMK (22-23) / Christopher Kulendran Thomas: Another World, KW Berlin (24-26) / Rachel Rossin: THE MAW OF, Tieranatomisches Theater (KW Berlin) (27-30) / Lynn Hershman Leeson: First Person Plural,KW Berlin (31-32) / David Wojnarowicz: Photography & Film, KW Berlin (33) / Rabih Mroué: Under the Carpet, KW Berlin (34) / Steve Bishop: Deliquescing, KW Berlin (35-36) / Leben in Bildern. Ein Porträt des Sehens für Rudolf Zwirner, PalaisPopulaire (37-38) / Haus der Sinnsuche, Kunstsaele Berlin (39) / DIS: Everything But The World, Schinkel Pavillon (40) / HR Giger & Mire Lee, Schinkel Pavillon (41-44) / Leila Hekmat: Female Remedy, Haus am Waldsee (45-48) / Der Angriff der Gegenwart auf die übrige Zeit. Künstlerische Zeugnisse von Krieg und Repression, Brücke Museum (49) / Michael Müller: Deine Kunst, Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg (50) / Michael Müller: Die Errettung des Bösen, Museum im Kulturspeicher Würzburg (51-55)
Work / Concert

Artists in order of appearance: Trettmann und Kitschkrieg (1); Little Simz (2-3); The Kooks (4-6); Tom Schilling (7-8); Jan Blomqvist & Band (9-10); Kiefer Sutherland (11-13); Moka Efti Orchestra ( 14-16), Boy George (17); Cat Empire (18-19); Maque (20-21); Combo Chimbita (22-23), Black Rebel Motorcycle Club (24-27)